Christmas, What exactly is Christmas? What does it all mean?
It means a special time of year, in which we celebrate and connect with those closest to us.
Those people are our friends and family, people we love most. So its only natural that we place a lot of expectations on the holidays.
We find ourselves anxiously looking forward to the joy of the season: , and the treasured memories of the time we will spend with family.
For these are memories that we all imprinted into our mind and revived every year with the sounds and sights of the holidays. Since school is generally out for a few weeks Children just enjoy Christmas time and relish in all the fun. Of course they naturally look forward to all the cool stuff they hope to get, and all the great food and treats.
Presents are always wonderful to give and receive, but did you know the true nature of giving is really from the heart.
The real spirit of the holidays is a time to rekindle old friendships; making time to get together just to enjoy each others company,when otherwise you seem too busy.
Its about calling people you generally don't make the time for. It's a time to let by gones be by gones, and forgive and forget when it comes to your siblings, parents, or friends who have perhaps upset you at one time or another in the past year or so.
Christmas is more about remembering and sharing the good times together,
Its about remembering the birth of Christ,and glorifying in his love.
Its about laughing, singing and spreading good cheer everywhere you go.
Its cherishing the smiles of children, as they warm your heart with their laughter and excitements, while they unknowingly remind us of ourselves when we were their age.
So I'd have to say that the true spirit of Christmas is Family celebrating the birth of Christ ,
not only with the people you love, but with everyone, everywhere..
Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy holidays